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08-02-2023 / Will Appenzeller
Why you Might Hate your HubSpot Architect.

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Your HubSpot Partner is here to help you succeed. We have a vested interest in making sure that your technology, HubSpot configuration, and reporting are all working towards your needs - and not just because we’re people pleasers by nature. We geek out on organizational efficiency and whatever we can do to make your life easier, we’re here for. 

Working with a HubSpot Architect isn’t always the simplest process, because it requires an open mind and willingness to be flexible on how you’ve always done things. Working with an architect and Technical Partner can be disruptive to your current workflow, require that you learn new skills and mean rethinking the way you use HubSpot. It’s not the easy road, but at the end of it - we think that you’ll be much happier. 

If you’re struggling inside HubSpot, or haven’t quite figured out the best way to set up custom objects, reporting, properties, are struggling with organizing your portal across all departments or simply haven’t implemented your Hubs entirely - odds are good you need a HubSpot Architect. 

A HubSpot Architect will help you run through your organizational processes and dissect them all to optimize the configuration of your contact records, deals, properties, custom objects and reporting so that you can get the most intelligible information from your HubSpot analytics and reports.

What you might not realize is that this process, while critical to the success of your organization inside HubSpot, will never be simple - but it’s always worth it.

Here are a few reasons you might hate your HubSpot Architect:

You might’ve been pushed in the wrong direction by another Partner or Consultant and need to change direction. 

One time I was incredibly tired and went the wrong way on the interstate for MILES before I realized it. Being pushed in the wrong direction by a well-meaning, but inexperienced consultant only to have to turn around, back track and start again from Mile 0 can be incredibly frustrating and is part of the reason why working with a HubSpot Architect may be a little frustrating at first. 

Your Hubspot Architect should be the very first talent acquisition you make long before you start the process of purchasing the HubSpot software for this very reason. It’s so easy to be led astray by consultants that aren’t experienced enough in HubSpot or are only experienced in HubSpot Marketing Hub. It’s a fairly simple process to become a HubSpot partner and even advanced Tier partners, because HubSpot Partners are sometimes too focused on new sales, aren’t necessarily the best fit to get you set up the right way from the start. 

Paying for an inexpensive HubSpot setup or onboarding is usually the first step in the wrong direction in implementing your HubSpot portal, but it’s a common mistake that we see. Basic HubSpot setup is great, but you need a really comprehensive implementation to get the most from your HubSpot subscription.

Don’t be frustrated if we’re unwinding some of the work you’ve done in HubSpot and re-configuring it. These are the most important steps for building the foundation that you need inside HubSpot to make the most intelligent business decisions down the road. We’ll try to be as delicate as possible when we tell you how things may be misconfigured, but don’t kill the messenger, we’re here for the same goal. 

Related: Onboarding with HubSpot - Setup vs Implementation - what’s the difference?

We’re gonna ask too many questions.

The number of companies that bandwagon themselves into a new technology preemptively without exploring the impact on their organization or how they’ll truly integrate it into their business processes is astounding, but understandable. Millennials have replaced older executives in many organizations and they want agile, cloud-based software that replaces legacy systems and enables flexible work environments, data collection and simple change. But change isn’t always simple. 

In an (admittedly dated, but still incredible relevant) article from Harvard Business Review titled, “Why So Many High Profile Digital Transformations Fail”, authors Davenport and Westerman explain this well, stating: 

“[…] digital is not just a thing that you can buy and plug into the organization. It is multi-faceted and diffuse, and doesn’t just involve technology. Digital transformation is an ongoing process of changing the way you do business. It requires foundational investments in skills, projects, infrastructure, and, often, in cleaning up IT systems. It requires mixing people, machines, and business processes, with all of the messiness that entails. It also requires continuous monitoring and intervention, from the top, to ensure that both digital leaders and non-digital leaders are making good decisions about their transformation efforts.”

Don’t sign on for an implementation and overhaul project thinking that we’re just going to come, do all the work to overhaul your infrastructure ourselves, and you can continue on your merry way. We’re not able to do all the work for you. Adopting HubSpot into your organization in a truly transformative way that optimizes your processes, delivers the right analytics and ensures the scalability you’re looking for, is a process that requires adoption, buy-in, and an open mind. 

We’re going to dive deep into your business processes and we may even have to explore changing some of those processes to help you best scale. Your HubSpot architect isn’t just there to review some data, re-configure some reports and roll out. They’re going to ask why you’re doing everything you’re doing, suggest better ways of doing it and continually challenge and poke at every aspect of your business in every single department and maybe even for every single employee. 

You may feel like we’re disrupting your workflow. It might seem a little cumbersome, but this is the information that we need to determine how to implement real change inside your organization. HubSpot isn’t just a software, it’s the adoption of a comprehensive new way of doing business where departments all have access to the same critical information, and they can make more intelligent business decisions as a result. Be patient with the questions, because they’re going to help us do great things together. 

You might have to re-learn the way you’re doing things and, in some cases, change them entirely. 

It’s not you, it’s just your company’s HubSpot configuration. So often there is frustration around the adoption of a new technology, that employees can be a little… reluctant to change. We get it - you’ve already made changes to adopt a new software into your workflow and the last thing you want to do is change that entire workflow. But the fact of the matter is, it is in your best interest to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of HubSpot configuration.

The World Economic Forum predicted that half of all employees would require significant re-skilling by 2022. Not only that, they predicted that 85% of companies would adopt big data analytics by the same timeframe. Well, we’re here. The time for change has already passed, and if you’re working inside a new tech stack with configuration that isn’t servicing you - you’re not doing much for your marketability as an employee and you’re doing even less for the productivity of that organization as a whole.

It might be a tough pill to swallow, but the fact of the matter is that you hired a HubSpot Architect to overhaul the technology that has already been brought inside your organization. It’s not always easy to change the way that you’re doing things, but when you adopt new processes and configuration reports for your organization with ease, the happier your executive team is going to be and the more likely when that employee review rolls around you’ll be to get that promotion, raise or other bonus that you’ve been hoping for.

HubSpot Architects are hired to make your life easier, so believe me when I say that we are not here with the exclusive purpose to frustrate you, we may just find that along the way we have to make some tweaks so that we can be most successful in the long term. 

Our HubSpot Architects are good at what they do and they have logical minds that pick apart workflows and optimize your reporting and data so that every department can operate more efficiently.

Multiple departments performing more efficiently inside a company frees up a lot of time, money and allows organizations to scale - this means less headaches for employees, executives and business owners as a whole. 

Long story short? Change is never easy. But if you give your HubSpot Architect the benefit of the doubt and listen to them fully and really embrace the changes they’re suggesting - you’re not going to be disappointed. Trust the process and let’s work together to make your HubSpot portal more efficient and make your organization leaner and better positioned to grow. 

hubspot architecture consultant

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