Resource Center Optimization

a bogged down resource center was preventing visitors from viewing valuable content.

Discover how we optimized the resource center load speed for a healthcare analytics company and opened up immediate opportunity for boosted conversions.

the problem.

a bogged down resource center was annihilating conversions.

Healthmine engaged an Elite HubSpot Partner to re-develop their website and configure their Resource Center in HubSpot. While the aesthetics and overall function of the website were beautiful, the load time for the Resource Center itself was incredibly high.


It took between 6 and 10 seconds for the resource center page to load and many additional seconds to load each individual resource within the content library.


the solution.

reconfiguration and optimization.

Our development team reconfigured their content library and, by eliminating the cloud server, their resource center load speed improved significantly. By 95%.


We also discovered that many of their blog post, website page and resource center images were much too large, so we globally reduced the size of all images to assist with load times and optimize the experience and page speed even further.


what can optimized load speeds do? more than you think.

A few seconds can be the difference between new customers and missed opportunities. Learn more about how optimizing resource center load speed was a game changer for this healthcare analytics company.